Don’t hide your special needs child, queen mother tells parents
Don’t hide your special needs child, queen mother tells parents

Don’t hide your special needs child, queen mother tells parents
Queen Mother of Akyem-Dwenase in the Feanteakwa district of the Eastern region Nana Appeaa Sarponmaa Kumankuma I has urged parents to desist from hiding the status of their children with disabilities.
She has challenged parents to bring their children with special needs out so that they can get exposure and assistance instead of treating them as a source of shame to the family.
Nana Appeaa Sarponmaa Kumankuma, made the call when addressing the media at the launch of BADA project which is geared towards building on the ability of persons with disability.
She maintained that children with special needs are a gift from God which needs not to be subjected to cruel conditions because it could affect their development in the future.
”Children with special needs are a true gift from God and it is their right also to enjoy life, gain equal access to education, and other skills that will enhance their self-development”.
I want to challenge parents of children with disabilities to accept their existence, cherish and love them because they need it most, she emphasized.
The queen mother who doubles as the ambassador for BADA project expressed fret over the high mortality rate of children with disabilities in Ghana and called for an evolving policy with holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for PWD’s.
Principal of TUCEE Institute of Counselling and Technology (TICT), initiator of BADA project, Dr. Cecilia Yaa Owusu Tutu-Danquah similarly entreated the government to establish policies that would mainstream persons with disability in the national development process.
She underscored the need for PWD’S to be accepted in the society stressing that everybody is likely to experience difficulties in functioning at some point in their lives, particularly when growing older.