Homosexuality is an abomination – Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo
Homosexuality is an abomination – Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo

Homosexuality is an abomination – Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo
The founder and leader of the seventh-day congregation of theocracy, Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo has described homosexuality as abominable. He said the practice whereby men sleep with men and women have sexual intercourse with their fellow women, is an eyesore.
“I feel very disappointed when Ghanaians complain about the anti-gay bill. We have values in this country. We have moral and cultural values in this country. Men marry women. Peter didn’t marry Joseph, Paul didn’t marry Timothy, Abiba didn’t marry Ayeshetu, and men married women.
So, whether you are a Muslim, traditional ruler or Christian, homosexuality is an abomination. Sin is sin,” the renowned Apostle said this in an interview with interview journalists on Hot Issue on Jeneaury 1st.
He commended the sponsors of the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and the Ghanaian Family Values Bill. “I really applaud the people really stood for this bill. And for once, the entire nation- the Muslims and Christians, traditional rulers, the chiefs are all together on this issue.
Politicians should watch the way they dilly-dally with this issue. We have moral values in this country that say that a man should not marry a man. Sometimes, we say that they have human rights. If so, we also have the human right to say that what we don’t want should not be imposed on us,” he stated.
According to him, the UK prohibits polygamy and residents comply, thus it should be possible for people who live in Ghana to respect our values. “UK and you are not allowed to marry two wives. So, people who live there, who under normal circumstances would have preferred to marry two wives, marry one. So, if you are in our country, then we also have the right to insist that what is not right is not right. And we have a moral responsibility, we have a religious responsibility to ensure that,“ he stressed.
Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyo described as shameful, any attempt to blackmail the government to stop the passage of the anti-gay bill. “I have had some people come to me to say that if we do that, we will not be getting IMF help. That is very shameful, that is very inhuman. If we are quantifying (sic) LGBT to aid to our country, then I think I agree with ex-President Atta Mills that then they should keep what they have,” Apostle Kadmiel E H. Agbalenyo asserted.
The Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill is currently before Parliament. Varied reasons have been assigned for the delay in its passage. But the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has assured that it will be passed. The latest person to ensure its passage is the Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng.
“So, my brother [Sam George] don’t worry when it is in Parliament, you know your people in Parliament but I know it will come up, but when it comes up we are there, we will take it up and do our part. So there is no fear at all,” he assured a congregation at The seventh day of Theocracy which included the sponsor of the bill, Samuel Nartey George. Touching on the state of the economy, he called for better living conditions for all Ghanaians.
Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun Media