Early detection of breast cancer-key to successful treatment //Dr. Michaelene Holder

Early detection of breast cancer-key to successful treatment //Dr. Michaelene Holder
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is marked in countries across the world, and helps to increase attention and support for awareness, early diagnosis, and treatment as well as palliative care for those facing this disease.
Breast cancer is a growth of abnormal cells in the breast. Over time, and when undetected, these cells can invade healthy breast tissue nearby as well as the lymph system in the armpit.
According to Michaelene Holder-March CEO of MHM Health Consultancy and Founder of Leaders in Health and Tech. said, when the invasive cancer goes undetected and untreated for an extended period, it can also spread to other organs such as the lungs, bone and liver.
She said, Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and is the most common cause of cancer among women in most countries.
In low- and middle-income countries, the incidence has been rising steadily due to increased life expectancy, changing reproductive patterns (such as later age at first childbirth and less breast-feeding), and the adoption of western lifestyles.
She added that, the majority of women who die from breast cancer live in low- and middle-income countries, where most women are diagnosed in late stages due to a variety of factors.
These include; limited awareness on the part of the public and health care providers, and the lack of access to timely, affordable and effective diagnosis and treatment.
She said, the situation in Ghana Breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects women and the most common cause of cancer deaths in Ghana.
Story by Fada Amakye from Daily Sun.